Monday, December 17, 2007

The Yemeni Farmers Market

This morning our favorite chicken farmer Ahmad (see previous post with the pink chicks) invited Morgan and I to go with him and his brother to buy chickens this afternoon. We took a bus across town to the farmers market, it was quite a bit different than any farmers market I've been to, in fact it was much more like a chaotic 4-H gathering. Today is a busy day for the market as the day after tomorrow marks the beginning of the holiday of Eid al-Sacrifice during which everyone supposedly slaughters a goat or sheep.

Ahmad with a pigeon

They call these "bunnies". I suppose GuineaPIG would be haram to eat.


Some weird feline/lynx thingy that kept hissing

Everyone in the souq wanted their picture taken with the animals, this guy was especially persistent.

"cowboy" and camel

The sea of sheep

A couple of herders


Success! Ahmad with new chicken in hand on the bus ride home.


Mike said...

Do you suppose they eat the lynx looking thing? Nate you should buy it as pet, bring it home and let is loose in the city. Imagine the articles in the paper about this strange citing of a cat like animal running ramped through the city of portland eating small animals and children?

Mike said...

Oh yeah have you rode a camel yet? I hear they spit!

Mike said...

Opps! I did not read below far enough. I read you rode a camel in Dabai. A little rough on the bum Huh?

Map of Yemen

Map of Yemen